XUES (XML Universal Event Service) is PSL’s sophisticated event manipulation system.  XUES is supported under the DARPA DASADA project, and is part of the KX architecture.  XUES consists of two parts:

Event Packager (or EP), which serves as a data aggregator, flight recorder, and event transformer for PSL’s KX system.  Features include support for extensible event formats and conversion (currently supports Siena, Elvin, and XML); event recording and playback to/from SQL as well as memory; and support for time synchronization and simple event rewriting.

Event Distiller (or ED), which is a flexible event pattern-recognition/gauge architecture.  Features include multiple-event pattern recognitions, including “success” and “failure” situations; timebound validation (e.g., events received in order within specified timebounds); wildcards to support event patterns.  ED currently communicates either via Siena or direct method calls.

Further information on XUES is available: